We are an INCLUSIVE STORYTELLING AGENCY, on a mission to create psychological safe spaces for every kind of body.
We have created inclusive story assets with global clients that diminish unconscious bias and deliver award winning, results-driven work.
As a result of using true Ubuntu and inclusion storytelling techniques, we have helped multi-national businesses diminish unconscious bias and create psychologically safe spaces in their organizations , thus fostering more equality and belonging for them and their customers.
Don’t you want to create a more inclusive world with us?
FuelLed by our passion for creating psychologically safe spaces and connections using storytelling technologies, we offer world class inclusive story solutions
Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Belonging
is the practice of Ubuntu.
Kutlwano Mabusela and Chule Gobodo both grew up under Apartheid in South Africa. They have used their experiences of exclusion and inequality to become inclusive storytellers.
Inspired by Ubuntu and the power of trans-media storytelling we use our personal experiences as African women to infuse inclusion and belonging in every story we tell.
The Brainbow Foundation enables us to create access and inclusion in the communities we serve.
Below are our inclusive impact projects.
Inclusion makes good business sense. Brainbow was ranked 7th best creative agency for business impact worldwide according to the Mobile Marketing Association SMARTIES out of 100 agencies.
Take a look at all our awards